Some days I’m not productive, and other days I work for 11 hours (have a good shift and get a lot done there), do some research that interests me and watch one of the things on my to watch list.


It’s taken so many years for me to get to it, but I have finally watched at least one part of Star Wars.

I had seen a lot of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope in passing. My Dad has watched the movies many times, but this was the first time that I’ve taken the time and attention to watch the movie myself. Some people may be pleased to hear that I watched the original version and not the remastered for better effects version.

I enjoyed it, and I enjoyed myself. I made a pretty diverse collection of jokes throughout the movie — many of which centered on the criminally bad aim of the stormtroopers.

I think I’ll be working through the rest of the (not in theaters) movies in the next few weeks. In addition to the productivity I listed at the beginning of this post I also got the time to call in an insurance claim from the accident on Saturday, and I spoke to my favorite mechanic/car place about getting the tail light assembly replaced. So I’m feeling very good about my day today.