This is the page for me to explain to you about myself.

My name is Meghan. I am 28 years old, and I live in Maine, USA. I live with my parents, and we have two cats. Our cats are both girls and I’ll probably have pictures of them up on this blog within the week because they light up my life.

I have an Associate’s degree in Web Design. It’s a degree I use so often in my life that I had to find my degree to find out was I graduated with. I work in retail, and I like to spend my free time playing video games, watching tv, and learning new craft media.

I have had the Excited Geek domain since I was in high school in 2007. My website has been through many iterations as I try to find a way to express myself on the web. This most current version started as a New Year’s resolution in 2016. Between January 2016 and February 2018 I posted eleven times. And I think five of them were on another blog I created on a whim and then imported in.

I am a person that enjoys artsy things and creativity. I like to try different types of crafts and ways to express my creativity. In my bedroom, I have the materials for calligraphy, drawing (pencil, charcoal, colored pencil, or marker), crocheting, knitting, and so much more. As well as books about writing, web design, cooking. I like to try new things. I’m not amazing with all these things. Some of them I’m not even good at, but I have tried them and when I find the time I like to go back to them and try again.

I like to think that I am funny. I’m a pretty anxious person, but once I’ve warmed up to people I like to make them laugh.

I participate in and complete NaNoWriMo every year. And spend the rest of the year not writing anything at all.

I’m a very anxious person. I do my best to avoid situations that stress me out or make me nervous. But I find that I spend a lot of my time complaining about things that annoy or frustrate me. This newest iteration of this website and this blog is so that I can share the things that I like; the things that bring me joy.

I hope that I can show you something that you will come to like.

😀  Meghan